Robust tables, countertops and sinks made with the best quality stainless steel, best price and quality.

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industrial sink


workbench with sink

East workbench with sink ARC It is handcrafted from premium stainless steel; It has a drainer. The entire sink is a compact piece of polished steel with welded areas and a beautiful satin finish. Cross-braced stainless steel legs ensure firm support.
Warranty ARC 2 YEARS
technical support included

Drip tray with drainage and 1 wet cup 32 x 15 cm


Drip tray with drain and 1 cup wetter 32 x 15 cm

Is glass washer ARC for rinsing is an efficient tool for cleaning all types of glasses and containers with a diameter of less than 12 cm. Offers more than 80% of water savings compared to conventional hand washing. With 5 powerful water spray holes, your glasses are clean in 3 seconds.
Warranty ARC 2 YEARS
technical support included
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